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Basic Info

This screen is where you will enter most of the employee’s details such as their name, address, identification numbers and relevant dates. It is the first step in adding a new employee but can also be accessed at any time by going to the employee’s profile and clicking on Edit InfoBasic Info.

The fields in the Essentials section are compulsory for the setup process and are explained briefly below:

The Pay Frequency is how often they are paid e.g. monthly. You would have set up at least one pay frequency as part of adding the company and all available pay frequencies will appear in the drop-down menu. If the frequency you need isn’t there you will need to add this new pay frequency first. This process is explained in the following related article:

The employee’s First Names (including all middle names) and Last Name should be entered in full and as they appear on their identification documents.

Please ensure that the Date of Birth is accurate because it could have an impact on important calculations such as MPF contributions.

Please note: Ensure that, when adding a new employee or updating the identification number of an active employee, there is no other active employee with the same identification number.

Please also ensure that the Date of Appointment is the date the employee was first employed, or leave cycles / entitlements will be incorrect.

Where “AutoPay” is selected as the Payment Method, the employee’s bank details must be entered. If you are going to be paying the employee by AutoPay but do not have their bank details yet, you can select “Cash”. You will, however, need to ensure that their bank details have been entered before creating your first pay run in order to use our AutoPay export file to pay this employee.

Certain information, such as a Pay Point or Job Grade, requires additional setup before it can be entered. Please see the following articles on these aspects:

If you are adding a new employee and have captured all of the necessary information in this section, you can move on to the final step – capturing their Regular Hours.